Hefoki Headlines extracted from Wikipedia
At one point, I was using the Wikipedia Current Events Portal as a source of quick, daily news. Hefoki scrapes that page and generates web pages for that content.
Technical Approach
Hefoki is a case-study in some of the designs I wish to enable in Interbuilder. Very briefly, it has a form of incremental building where, 11ty, a static site generator, is used to generate web pages for database entries from only the last month, and an AWS Lambda function compares the resultant static assets with those generated by 11ty and those already deployed to an S3 bucket. If any next/previous links need to be updated, the HTML in the newly generated pages and the already-deployed pages are mutated and deployed or re-deployed.
The experimental quality of Hefoki, is that it's static deployment logic includes manipulation of already-deployed HTML code, and redeploying it. I'd like to organize this technique into something more formal, and add such features to Interbuilder. Hefoki is a experiment in this, as well as a proof-of-concept.